Тест на фразові дієслова 1

Тест на фразові дієслова (Частина 1)

1 хвилина читання

Скільки існує фразових дієслів в англійській мові, вам не зможе сказати ніхто. Їх так багато, що навіть люди, які вивчають англійську мову довгий час, можуть зустріти незнайомі фразові дієслова в тексті або під час спілкування. Крім того, кожен день додається все більше значень до одного і того ж дієслова. Що ж робити з усім цим різноманіттям? Відповідь одна – вчити! Ми підготували тест на фразові дієслова, та це тільки 1 частина, а їх буде ще чимало. Сьогодні будуть матеріали з наступних тем:

Our water supplies ____ so we had to refill them.

Correct! Wrong!

Would you please ____ my money?

Correct! Wrong!

I’m going to ____ my girlfriend ____ tonight.

Correct! Wrong!

My father usually ____ at 7 o’clock.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ very well ____ my new classmates.

Correct! Wrong!

My father ____ smoking long time ago.

Correct! Wrong!

The police officer chased the burglars but they managed to ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

My friend never leaves her house without a ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

John ____ his coat and sat down.

Correct! Wrong!

It is really challenging task to ____ children nowadays.

Correct! Wrong!

The new manager will ____ next week.

Correct! Wrong!

The changes in the earth’s atmosphere ____ many changes in the water.

Correct! Wrong!

Pick up your pencils and ____ the notes.

Correct! Wrong!

I am thinking about ____ football or basketball.

Correct! Wrong!

As the plane ____ I felt really nervous.

Correct! Wrong!

Millie ____ her mother in appearance.

Correct! Wrong!

He can’t ____ his mind about what to do next.

Correct! Wrong!

The dustmen are coming to ____ the rubbish.

Correct! Wrong!

I told him it was a secret but he still ____ it ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

Sarah ____ the bus outside the cinema.

Correct! Wrong!

That shop ____ free candies to all children.

Correct! Wrong!

They poured water on her face to ____ her ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

My parents often argue, but we always ____ quickly.

Correct! Wrong!

It was really dark and I couldn’t ____ the sign on the road.

Correct! Wrong!

The author has just ____ a new detective story.

Correct! Wrong!

The thief ____ himself ____ to the police.

Correct! Wrong!

The flowers ____ a nice smell.

Correct! Wrong!

Children have a lively imagination, they often ____ stories.

Correct! Wrong!

The SEO ____ the subject of the meeting.

Correct! Wrong!

I tried to ____ all day long, but nobody answered the phone.

Correct! Wrong!


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