Вживання займенників

Тест: Вживання займенників

1 хвилина читання

Перед тим як перейти до тесту на тему вживання займенників, давайте повторимо основну інформацію про цю частину мови. Займенник вживається замість іменника, щоб уникати повторів в мові. Детальніше з різними їхніми типами можна ознайомитися в розділі Займенник.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Вживання займенників”:


She doesn't know that you got fired yet. You should tell ....... the truth before she finds out from someone else.

Correct! Wrong!

Jonathon saw, for ......., that his girlfriend was cheating on him. He caught her in bed with his best friend.

Correct! Wrong!

I thought you liked teaching children. Why don't you like teaching ....... anymore?

Correct! Wrong!

....... am confused about this question. Can you help me?

Correct! Wrong!

Where is ....... hockey stick? You can't play hockey without it.

Correct! Wrong!

Martha is an outstanding chef. ....... makes great food!

Correct! Wrong!

Don't touch your sister's clothing. Those sweaters are ....... and she'll be very angry if she finds you wearing them without permission.

Correct! Wrong!

Those kids should know better. ....... shouldn't tease that boy anymore.

Correct! Wrong!

Why don't you trust .......? I said I would do it and I will.

Correct! Wrong!

This house is ........ It's not yours.

Correct! Wrong!

I really love ....... house. I'm so glad we bought it.

Correct! Wrong!

....... hurt himself last week.

Correct! Wrong!

Why don't you come with .......? We're going to have a great time at the party.

Correct! Wrong!

No, this tree does not belong to you. This tree belongs to ....... because the roots begin and end in our yard. However, you can trim the branches that fall onto your side of the fence.

Correct! Wrong!

I really like these flowers. Do you like .......?

Correct! Wrong!

Children usually learn how to eat, by ......., by about age five.

Correct! Wrong!

The dog sat down and licked ....... paws.

Correct! Wrong!

Why don't you make ....... a cup of tea while I make this phone call?

Correct! Wrong!

You should be ashamed of .......! You took candy from a baby.

Correct! Wrong!

We should learn how to grow our own food, so we can take care of ....... in a healthy and organic way.

Correct! Wrong!

Вживання займенників


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