Тест на фразові дієслова 2

Тест на фразові дієслова (Частина 2)

1 хвилина читання

З фразовими дієсловами нас починають знайомити на ранніх етапах навчання англійської мови. І навіть тоді здається, що неможливо запам’ятати вживання навіть одного-двох дієслів з такою великою кількістю прийменників, що вже говорити про десятки таких слів! У цьому тесті ви знайдете фразові дієслова hold, pay, set, turn, keep, put. Перед тим як проходити тест на фразові дієслова (Частина 2) радимо детальніше прочитати про ці дієслова у відповідних статтях нашого блогу:

____ everything you hear during the interview. It might be important.

Correct! Wrong!

I usually ____ my friends in times of trouble.

Correct! Wrong!

His father ____ his business long time ago.

Correct! Wrong!

He will work as a janitor until better job ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

____ these shoes, they look nice!

Correct! Wrong!

I waited for an hour but nobody ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

The firemen could not ____ the fire till the morning when it started to rain.

Correct! Wrong!

I don’t have enough money on my account, I have to ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

As they ____ for their picnic, it started to rain.

Correct! Wrong!

I was so sick that I couldn’t ____ the food.

Correct! Wrong!

My mom wants to ____ 100$ a week so that she would be able to afford that trip.

Correct! Wrong!

He ____ from dogs because he was afraid of them.

Correct! Wrong!

The doctor told him to ____ weight. He is too skinny.

Correct! Wrong!

The police had ____ roadblocks to prevent the criminals leaving the area.

Correct! Wrong!

If I borrow money from the bank, I will have to ____ it ____ in 3 months.

Correct! Wrong!

If there is a lot of rope ____ , the climber will hit the ground.

Correct! Wrong!

Julia could not ____ her tears. That news was really shocking.

Correct! Wrong!

I cannot ____ his proposal. I have already promised to go out with him.

Correct! Wrong!

There was nothing I could do to calm the child down, it ____ crying.

Correct! Wrong!

Can you ____ a moment! I can’t catch up, you are too fast!

Correct! Wrong!

It’s too loud I barely can hear my own thoughts! Can you ____ it ____ ?

Correct! Wrong!

Alice tried to ____ the accident ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

The US ____ the entire national debt.

Correct! Wrong!

Will you ____ me ____ ? I have no other place to go!

Correct! Wrong!

The scientist ____ an experiment on animals.

Correct! Wrong!

Don’t ____ the lights it’s still day outside.

Correct! Wrong!

____ the exercise until I come back.

Correct! Wrong!

This company ____ the most advanced equipment.

Correct! Wrong!

Some vegetables a day won’t ____ your hunger.

Correct! Wrong!

He had some problem at work but he managed to ____ .

Correct! Wrong!


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