Герундій проти Інфінітива (Частина 1)

Герундій проти Інфінітива (Частина 1)

1 хвилина читання

Перед початком тесту “Герундій проти Інфінітива (Частина 1)” пропонуємо вам загалом повторити інформацію про ці два явища. І так, що таке герундій? Якщо коротко, то це безособова форма дієслова із закінченням -ing, яка поєднує в собі ознаки іменника і дієслова. Інфінітивом називають неозначену форму дієслова. Він відповідає на питання «Що робити?», «Що зробити?»: To run – бігти / прибігти, to cook – готувати / приготувати. Детальніше ви зможете прочитати в наших дописах.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Герундій проти Інфінітива (Частина 1)”:



I regret ____ you about Roger's affair.

Correct! Wrong!

I watched my daughter ____ across the street on her own. She's growing up too fast.

Correct! Wrong!

Paul ____ two packs of cigarettes per day.

Correct! Wrong!

My dog loves ____ on her dog bed all day.

Correct! Wrong!

My dog loves ____.

Correct! Wrong!

I want the technician ____ the new stereo I bought for my car.

Correct! Wrong!

You have ____ me the rest of your house. I love it so far.

Correct! Wrong!

We want ____ the Smithsonian Museum someday.

Correct! Wrong!

I would like ____ Mr. Smith because he is the reason we are all here today.

Correct! Wrong!

No one likes ____ himself/herself in public.

Correct! Wrong!

My friend reminded me ____ to the bookstore.

Correct! Wrong!

They promised ____ the yard work for me.

Correct! Wrong!

My teenage son is learning how to drive. His ____ scares me a lot.

Correct! Wrong!

Chris quit ____ a year ago. I'm so proud of him.

Correct! Wrong!

He enjoys ____ a lot. He often goes to the woods by himself.

Correct! Wrong!

I really need ____ some reading glasses.

Correct! Wrong!

I want him ____ me a straight answer.

Correct! Wrong!

Samantha wants ____ at 9 pm tonight.

Correct! Wrong!

Normally, I don't mind ____ in public. However, I do get nervous around really important people.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a great form of exercise.

Correct! Wrong!

She couldn't afford ____ the bedroom set.

Correct! Wrong!

I love ____ and dancing so much.

Correct! Wrong!

I offered ____ my friend's children on Friday night.

Correct! Wrong!

I shouldn't ____ so much. I always analyze everything.

Correct! Wrong!

I would like ____ you all for coming to our wedding.

Correct! Wrong!

She didn't stop ____ about her actions affect others.

Correct! Wrong!

My mother's ____ is excellent.

Correct! Wrong!

My son's teacher promised ____ him in her free time.

Correct! Wrong!

The boy denied ____ the candy from the shop.

Correct! Wrong!

Tony has a lot of integrity. He refuses ____ to his customers about the products in his store.

Correct! Wrong!

Герундій та інфінітив (1-3)


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