Тест на тему "Погода"

Тест на тему “Погода”

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Перевіряй граматику, вивчай слова, проходь тести!

Даний тест допоможе вам розібратися у своїх знаннях на тему “Погода” і, можливо, знайти матеріал, знання якого, варто буде покращити. Адже погода, це та тема, яка дозволить вам розпочати будь-який діалог закордоном. Якщо в нас це вважається трішки дивним, то англомовний співбесідник залюбки підтримає ваш діалог.

Для повторення пропонуємо вам оглянути наступні дописи:


____ are people who raise livestock and/or crops on large pieces of land.

Correct! Wrong!

In the summer, people usually wear ____, which is a lotion designed to protect their skin from the sun's damaging rays.

Correct! Wrong!

Typically, snow starts to ____ in the spring.

Correct! Wrong!

Farmers often put ____ out into their fields to scare away birds that may eat their valuable crops.

Correct! Wrong!

In the summer months, people often wear sunglasses to protect their ____ from the sun's harsh rays.

Correct! Wrong!

If the weather forecast predicts hail, you will likely see some ____ fall from the sky.

Correct! Wrong!

Usually in the spring and summer months, many kinds of flowers ____.

Correct! Wrong!

In the spring, ____ begin to sprout, and eventually they will turn into beautiful flowers.

Correct! Wrong!

In the spring, after mother birds lay their eggs in their nests, baby birds ____ from them.

Correct! Wrong!

If the weather forecast calls for flurries, you're probably going to experience ____.

Correct! Wrong!

____ are large orange vegetables. People harvest them in the fall to make pies for Thanksgiving feasts.

Correct! Wrong!

In the fall, birds ____ south into warmer temperatures because of the upcoming wintry months and very cold temperatures.

Correct! Wrong!

As the sun ____ at the end of each day, the sky glows with a beautiful array of colors in red, yellow, orange and pink hues.

Correct! Wrong!

Spring is a busy time for farmers because they usually begin to ____ their crops then.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is the month after October and is the eleventh month of the year.

Correct! Wrong!

People wear coats and ____ in order to keep warm in the cold winter months.

Correct! Wrong!

In the winter, dripping water freezes and forms into long ____ that hang off roof eaves and window ledges.

Correct! Wrong!

Sometimes, the roads are quite slippery in the winter months because there is ____ on the roadways.

Correct! Wrong!

If the weather forecast calls for light showers, it's going to ____ lightly.

Correct! Wrong!

When the weather is cold, harsh and quite unpleasant, people often say that it's ____.

Correct! Wrong!

If the temperature drops below freezing, it's below ____ Celsius.

Correct! Wrong!

In the summer months, people often wear ____ and t-shirts to keep cool in the hot weather.

Correct! Wrong!

In the fall, you can see an array of colored ____ on the trees as the leaves change from green to brown, red and yellow.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is the season after summer.

Correct! Wrong!

In the fall, farmers usually ____ their crops, which are fully grown and ready to eat.

Correct! Wrong!

A ____ usually consists of heavy snow and strong winds in the winter months.

Correct! Wrong!

If you look out the window and it's snowing, it's probably ____ outside.

Correct! Wrong!

In the northern hemisphere, ____ on the grass and plants in the fall is usually a sign that winter is coming.

Correct! Wrong!

It's kind of cold today. I think I'm going to bring a sweater because it's so ____.

Correct! Wrong!

In the spring, birds build nests and the females ____ eggs.

Correct! Wrong!

Тест на тему "Погода"


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