Таблиці: математичні(арифметичні) дії

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Малі числа

Великі числа

Додавання (addition)

2 + 2 = 4

6 + 5 = 11

712 + 145 = 857

Two and two are four.

Six and five is eleven.

What’s eight and six?

Скільки (буде) 8 + 6?

Seven hundred and twelve plus a hundred and forty-five is / equals eight hundred and fifty-seven.



7 – 4 = 3

619 – 428 = 191

Four from seven is/ leaves three;

Seven take away/ less four leaves/ is three.

Six hundred and nineteen minus four hundred and twenty-eight equals a hundred and ninety-one.



9 х 4 = 12

6 х 7 = 42

17 х 381 = 6477

Three fours are twelve.

Six sevens are forty-two.

Six times seven is forty-two.

Seventeen times three hundred and eighty-one is / makes six thousand, four hundred and seventy-seven.

17 multiplied by 381 equals 6477.

Ділення (division)

9 : 3 = 3

261 : 9 = 29

Three into nine goes three (times).

Two hundred and sixty-one divided by nine equals twenty-one.



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