Злочин англійською

Злочин англійською

1 хвилина читання

Лексика на тему “Злочин англійською” може викликати труднощі у тих, хто вивчає англійську мову через велику кількість термінів і назв. Так, слова злодій, грабіжник мають такі еквіваленти: thief (загальне слово для злодія), burglar (нічний грабіжник), mugger (вуличний грабіжник), robber (здійснює злочин у присутності жертви), looter (мародер), pickpocket (кишеньковий злодій), shoplifter (магазинний злодій) і т. д.

Необхідно також запам’ятати досить велику кількість фразових дієслів, пов’язаних з темою. Наприклад: to be charged with (звинувачуватися в чому-небудь), to be accused of (бути звинуваченим в чому-небудь), to be found guilty (визнати винним), to be sentenced to (бути засудженим до …) і т. Д.


People said that the heavy losses were the manager’s ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

She was ____ by a man who threatened to tell her employer about her past.

Correct! Wrong!

The ____ found Jones guilty.

Correct! Wrong!

The judge agreed to ____ her on bail.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is the most general word for a person, who advises people about laws.

Correct! Wrong!

He ____ his father’s signature on 20 000 pounds worth of cheques.

Correct! Wrong!

____ exists in some parts of the USA.

Correct! Wrong!

The jury acquitted him, because his ____ was not proved.

Correct! Wrong!

When you travel on public transport, always keep your bag carefully closed in case of ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

There was neither intent nor malice on her side, so it is ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

Do you have a fancy for ____ stories?

Correct! Wrong!

A lawyer who mainly works in the office is called a (an) ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

The ____ had a knife so she gave him her bag.

Correct! Wrong!

Department stores lose millions from ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

She was tortured by ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

The judge gave him a suspended ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

Eventually they manage to reach a (an) ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

Kate was ashamed of ____ money from her father’s purse.

Correct! Wrong!

He ____ the girl, threatening with a knife.

Correct! Wrong!

It was decided that Timothy was innocent and he was ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

Злочин англійською

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