Як вибачатися англійською

Як вибачатися англійською

1 хвилина читання

Знаменита приказка говорить: «Уміння прощати – властивість сильних. Слабкі не прощають ». В тесті “Як вибачатися англійською” вам пропонують збільшити свій словниковий запас новими виразами та словами, і перевірити ваші навички вживання цих слів.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Як вибачатися англійською”:


I know I shouldn't have made those remarks about your work and I hope you now know how deeply I ____ what I said.

Correct! Wrong!

In their religion as long as they ____, they will be forgiven their sins.

Correct! Wrong!

There's really no ____ for my behaviour last night. I can only think that I'd had too much to drink.

Correct! Wrong!

If it helps to put things right, please let me take ____ everything I said earlier.

Correct! Wrong!

Please ____ me for interrupting you, I didn't realize you were busy with someone else.

Correct! Wrong!

I must ____ your pardon, I mistook you for somebody else.

Correct! Wrong!

Please send my ____ to the meeting as I shan't be able to attend.

Correct! Wrong!

All I can do now is simply beg your ____ and hope that in time we can get back to where we used to be.

Correct! Wrong!

Please accept this small present as my way of making ____ for all the trouble I've caused.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm very ____ that I'm late but there is a train strike on at the moment.

Correct! Wrong!

Як вибачитися англійською


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