Як реагувати на події на англійській мові?

5 хвилини читання

Бувають ситуації, коли емоції переповнюють, але для опису подій просто не вистачає слів. В українській мові ми часто використовуємо стійкі фрази типу «надірвати живіт від сміху», «померти зі сміху», «вибухнути від злості», «бути готовим крізь землю провалитися» і т. п. Англійська мова не менш емоційна. Аби уміти яскраво описувати реакцію людей на те, що відбувається, пропонуємо розглянути подібні ідіоматичні вирази на прикладі невеликих ситуацій, що сталися в одній родині, коли всі були:


 We all got the shock of our lives last Christmas. We were sitting round the fire, forcing third helpings of Christmas cake into our mouths, when the doorbell rang. It made everybody jump. Auntie Jane nearly jumped out of her skin. I was pretty startled myself, I must admit. Anyway, there at the door – believe it or not – was Uncle Mac, with an armful of presents (It was the first time in living memory that he had ever given anything to anybody). Everyone caught their breath when they saw him. No-one could really believe their eyes. Poor Aunt Flossie actually fainted, and Uncle Bill kept blinking, as if he had seen a ghost. And Granny, who had been talking non-stop since breakfast, was absolutely speechless. I thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head. I reckon you could have knocked all of us over with a feather.

 Розглянемо виділені ідіоми:

To get the shock of one’s life.

Бути глибоко враженим; бути шокованим.

To make smb. jump.

Змусити здригнутися, підстрибнути (від несподіванки, переляку).

To jump out of one’s skin.

Підстрибнути, підскочити (від переляку або здивування).

To be startled.

Бути враженим, здивованим

Believe it or not.

Хочете вірте, хочете ні.

It was the first time in living memory.

Перший раз в житті.

To catch one’s breath.

Затамувати подих

No-one could really believe their eyes.

Ніхто не міг повірити своїм очам

To faint.


To blink, as if you have seen a ghost.

З таким обличчям, ніби побачив привид.

To be speechless.

Бути безмовним, онімівши.

Eyes were going to pop out of one’s head.

Очі на лоба вилізли

You could have knocked me down with a feather.

Я був приголомшений, збитий з пантелику

 Схвильовані (Emotional):

 I looked across and saw that tears were already trickling down Mum’s cheeks. I must confess a lump had come to my throat. When the priest started speaking, Julia burst out crying, and that was the signal for Mum to break down; she was completely overcome. By this time tears were rolling down several faces – including Dad’s – and I had a horrible feeling that I was going to burst into tears. The priest’s few words were very touching; I think he was almost moved to tears himself. I’m not surprised. They made such a lovely couple and Maggie looked great in white.

Tears are trickling down one’s cheeks.

Сльози течуть по щоках.

A lump came (had come) to my throat.

Ком у горлі.

To burst out crying.

Залитися сльозами, розплакатися.

To break down.

Не стриматися

To be overcome.

Бути охопленим (почуттями).

Tears are rolling down.

Сльози котяться.

To burst into tears.

Вибухнути слізьми, розридатися.



To be moved to tears.

Зворушений до сліз

 Злі (Angry):

 I think it was Dad’s side of the family that started it, when Uncle Mac started calling Uncle Bill names. Auntie Jane took offence immediately and then Granny joined it. She made ​​Aunt Flossie lose her temper and soon after that Dad blew his top. That led to Mum going berserk – I’ve never seen her so livid. It wasn’t long before Maggie, for some reason, started insulting Uncle Tom and then it was his turn to see red; he really went mad – “furious” isn’t the word for it. It was about then that Grandad, who had obviously been seething for some time, hit the roof. Things quietened down a bit after that and Granny dealt the next hand of cards.

To call smb names.


To take offence.


To lose one’s temper.

Втрачати самовладання

To blow one’s top.

Вибухнути (від гніву)

To go berserk.




To insult smb.


To see red.

Прийти до люті

To go mad.




To seethe.

Закипати (від люті)

To hit the roof.

Вибухнути від злості

To quieten down.



Налякані (Afraid):

 Well, naturally most of us were scared stiff. Only Maggie kept cool throughout. Mum went as white as a sheet and even Dad panicked a bit. Auntie Jane’s hair stood on end and Uncle Bill ran a mile. I must confess that my heart missed a bit or two. I mean, it’s not every day that a tax inspector comes to your front door, is it? All the time he was with us, Uncle Mac was twitching as if he had an army of ants inside his shirt collar. Whenever the phrase “failure to declare earned income” came up, Aunt Flossie winced and Mac’s hand started shaking so much he couldn’t light his pipe. It was obvious that Granny was trembling too when she tried to pick her cup of tea up – three times. Everyone shuddered visibly when the man said he would be back – everyone except Maggie, that is. She didn’t flinch once, didn’t turn a hair. She’s either a very good actress or extremely honest.

To be scared stiff.

Наляканий до смерті

To keep cool.


As white as a sheet.

Блідий як полотно

To panic.


One’s hair stands on end.

Волосся дибки

To run a mile.

Як вітром здуло

My heart missed a bit.

Серце завмерло

To twitch.

Різко здригатися

To wince.


To shake.


To tremble.


To shudder.

Здригатися, тремтіти

To flinch.


Not to turn a hair.

І ком не моргнути


Збентежені (Embarrassed):

 I could see that Julia was dying of embarrassment – not surprisingly, in the circumstances. I bet the incident is still on her conscience. Anyway, I could feel that I was blushing, and the other chap was as red as a beetroot. Julia had a terribly guilty look in her eyes, or rather, she had guilt written all over her face. She started stammering something about feeling tired and having come up for a rest. I didn’t know where to put myself, I can tell you. I stood there for a few seconds hoping a hole would open up in the floor and swallow me. In the end I just gulped and backed out of the room.

To die of embarrassment.

Померти від сорому

On one’s conscience.

Мати щось на своїй совісті.

To blush.

Червоніти від сорому

As red as a beetroot.

Червоний як рак

To have a terribly guilty look in one’s eyes.

По очах видно, що винен

To have guilt written all over one’s face.

Вина на обличчі

To stammer.


Not to know where to put oneself.

Не знати, куди себе подіти

To hope a hole would open up in the floor and swallow me.

Готовий крізь землю провалитися.

 Веселі (Amused):

 Well, everyone burst out laughing, of course. Uncle Bill laughed his head off, and Auntie Jane nearly died laughing. And you should have seen Granny; she was in hysterics. She nearly split her sides laughing. Even Uncle Mac couldn’t help laughing when he realized what the cause of their laughter was. The vicar was the only one who didn’t see the funny side of things; completely straight-faced, stony-faced he was. Granny was still hysterical long after Uncle Mac had turned round, chuckling to himself, and put the matter straight.

Burst out laughing.

Вибухнути сміхом

To laugh one’s head off.

Вмирати зі сміху

Nearly die laughing.

Трохи не помер зі сміху

To be in hysterics.

В істериці

Can’t help laughing.

Неможливо стримати сміх

Not to see the funny side of things.

Не бачити весь комізм ситуації

To chuckle.


To split one’s sides laughing.

Надривати живіт від сміху



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