Тест на тему "Прикметник"

Тест на тему “Прикметник” (Частина 1)

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Прикметник – це частина мови, яка позначає ознаку предмета і відповідає на питання «Який?», «Чий?». Ми вживаємо прикметник разом з іменником, щоб показати його ознаку або властивість.

Тест на тему “Прикметник” допоможе вам перевірити свої знання з даної теми та виявити прогалини в темах. Перед тестом радимо прочитати наступний матеріал:


I can't see anything because none of the lights are on in here. It's too ____ to see.

Correct! Wrong!

She is not calm and happy. She is annoyed and ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That gift was not cheap. In fact, it was very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That test was not easy. It was very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That question was not difficult. It was ____.

Correct! Wrong!

The back door is not closed or locked. It is ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That painting is unlike the others. It's very ____ and unusual.

Correct! Wrong!

He is not rich. He has no money and is very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

He is not weak and frail. He is very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

He is not tall enough to ride the roller coaster yet. He is too ____.

Correct! Wrong!

He is not sleepy today. Rather, he is very ____ and attentive.

Correct! Wrong!

The color you chose for that wall is not dark. It's very ____ and bright in color.

Correct! Wrong!

Your baby is so cute. He is ____.

Correct! Wrong!

The sky is not cloudy. The sky is very ____ today.

Correct! Wrong!

I am not bored and uninterested. I am ____ and interested.

Correct! Wrong!

The sky is not clear today. It's ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That shirt is not dark and boring. In fact, it's very colorful and ____.

Correct! Wrong!

She is not ugly. In fact, she is the opposite. She is very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

She is not ugly. In fact, she is the opposite of that. She is very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

There are too many people here today. It's too ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That movie was not normal. It was strange and ____.

Correct! Wrong!

He is not energetic and alert right now. He is very tired and ____.

Correct! Wrong!

His answer is not correct so he is ____.

Correct! Wrong!

He is really daring and loves exciting, new escapades. He is very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

The weather is not calm and peaceful. It's thundery and ____.

Correct! Wrong!

She is very neat and tidy. She is very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That machine is not safe to use. It's very ____.

Correct! Wrong!

She is not outgoing and sociable at first. She is ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That painting is not real. It is a copy so it's ____.

Correct! Wrong!

My fish is not dead. He is still ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Використання прикметників


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