Спорт та ігри

Спорт та ігри англійською

1 хвилина читання

Спорт та ігри допомагають людині триматися в хорошій фізичній формі, а крім того він виховує характер і силу волі. Заняття спортом сприяють зміцненню здоров’я. Навіть проста зарядка вранці під улюблену музику заряджає енергією на весь день.

В даному тесті пропонуємо вам перевірити своє розуміння цієї теми або ж ознайомитись з новими видами спорту. Успіхів!

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Спорт та ігри англійською”:


The game of ____ is played by hitting a small, light ball over a net that is placed in the center of a rectangular table. It is like a miniature version of tennis; whereby, a player accumulates points if his/her opponent fails to hit the ball back over the net.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a sport in which two opponents punch each other to see who can land the most blows. Ultimately, each athlete wants to knock his/her opponent out.

Correct! Wrong!

The game of ____ involves players who bet against each other and, then, determine who has the highest-ranking hand of cards.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a game that involves two teams (comprised of nine players each) that try to hit a ball with a bat. Teams can score points once the ball is hit and when the person, who hit the ball, runs across three bases and over the home plate.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a game that is played by two or four people. The players try to hit a small ball, with a racquet, across a net. If the ball lands on one team's side of the court and the player(s) fail to hit it back over the net, the team who initially hit the ball gets the point.

Correct! Wrong!

In the game of ____, a player throws sharp, needle-like pieces at a board that has a bull's eye in the center of it and bigger circles around it. A player is able to accumulate points when he/she hits different parts of the board. For example, more points are allotted when a player hits the bull's eye.

Correct! Wrong!

In America, ____ involves two opposing teams (made up of 11 players) who try to carry or kick a brown ball into the opponent's goal line on a grassy field.

Correct! Wrong!

____ involves sliding downhill, over the snow, on a long board that slightly curves upward on both ends.

Correct! Wrong!

Shot put and long jump are examples of ____ events.

Correct! Wrong!

The game of ____ involves trying to hit a small ball, with a club, into a pre-existing hole in the grass. Players must hit the ball into nine or 18 different holes on a grassy course while trying to use as few strokes as possible with the club.

Correct! Wrong!

The board game, ____, is played by two people who take turns moving twelve pieces across a board in an effort to take the other player's pieces by jumping over them.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is played on horseback. Two teams try to hit as many balls as they can through their opponent's goal line. The players use long, wooden mallets to hit the balls in this sport.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a board game that is based on skill. For example, one player tries to checkmate the other by using and carefully positioning 16 different pieces on a board. The players are allowed to move in different ways, but there are specific rules that both players must follow.

Correct! Wrong!

____ involves throwing and catching a disk-like object.

Correct! Wrong!

The point of the board game, ____, is to make as much play money as possible by buying property and hotels and charging other players for their use.

Correct! Wrong!

____ players in the NBA are part of a five-person team who try to throw an orange ball into the opponent's basket. However, the players cannot carry the ball down the playing court. They have to bounce, throw and/or pass the ball throughout any given game.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a sport where a participant glides over snow with two long runners that are attached to the participant's feet.

Correct! Wrong!

People who ____ jump and ride on a thin board, that has four wheels on it, on pavement. These people stand on the boards and often perform impressive and dangerous tricks on it.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a game where two eleven-person teams try to kick a white and black ball into the opponent's net on a grassy field.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a game where two teams try to hit and move a puck (with long sticks) into the opponent's net. It is usually played on ice.

Correct! Wrong!

Спорт та ігри


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