спеціальні запитання

Спеціальні запитання

1 хвилина читання

Спеціальні запитання, зазвичай, називають ще “wh- questions”, так як вони починаються на wh, та серед них є й інші, для прикладу, how. Питання цього типу вимагають не простої згоди або заперечення думк, висловленої в запитання, а відповіді з більш детальною інформацією.

Пропонуємо вам перевірити свої навички вживання в тесті “Спеціальні запитання”, а перед тим оглянути додатковий матеріал.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Спеціальні запитання”:



____ did you say to him? He's very upset!

Correct! Wrong!

Woman: ____ did you do with all of your books? Man: I gave most of them away when I moved.

Correct! Wrong!

____ were you all night? I didn't know where you were and I was really worried about you.

Correct! Wrong!

Can you tell me ____ the post office is located? I've been walking around for an hour and I can't find it.

Correct! Wrong!

Woman: ____ is he scheduled to arrive? Man: He said he would be here by now.

Correct! Wrong!

Student 1: ____ did you finish the test so quickly? It was so difficult. Student 2: Well, I studied really hard this past week so it was quite easy for me.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is your mother? Is she feeling any better now?

Correct! Wrong!

____ are you going to come home? I miss you! I hope to see you soon.

Correct! Wrong!

Can you help me look for my keys? I don't know ____ I did with them.

Correct! Wrong!

I don't understand ____ you see in him. He's rude and he is not nice to you at all.

Correct! Wrong!

____ on Earth is this all about? I left for two hours and now you're really upset. Did something happen while I was gone?

Correct! Wrong!

____ do you want to go for the holidays? We can go to Canada or we can stay here and celebrate with your family. It's up to you.

Correct! Wrong!

I really like computer games. ____ don't you come over and we can play them together.

Correct! Wrong!

____ don't you like your present? I thought that's what you asked for this year. You're never happy with anything I buy for you!

Correct! Wrong!

Woman: ____ are you bringing an umbrella? It's bright and sunny right now. Man: The weather channel predicted rain this afternoon.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is the library? I want to borrow some books over the break.

Correct! Wrong!

That will be $50. ____ would you like to pay for this? We take cash, Visa or Mastercard?

Correct! Wrong!

____ happened? You look very depressed. Is everything OK?

Correct! Wrong!

I don't know ____ you think you are going! You are grounded and you're not allowed to leave this house for one week.

Correct! Wrong!

____ on Earth could you afford to buy that mansion in such a beautiful neighborhood? I thought we made the same amount of money and I can't afford anything like that.

Correct! Wrong!

Спеціальні запитання (Частина 1)