phrasal verb walk

Phrasal verb: walk

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Однією із особливостей граматики англійської мови є фразові дієслова (phrasal verbs). Вони є поєднанням дієслова (verb) та прийменника (preposition) чи прислівника (adverb), а іноді одночасно прийменника з прислівником. В тесті “Phrasal verb: walk” ми пропонуємо вам перевірити свої навички вживання цього фразового дієслова в розмовній мові, та перед тестом передивіть матеріал для повторення.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Phrasal verb: walk”:



The trouble with you is you let your boss do exactly what he wants and let him walk all ____ you.

Correct! Wrong!

They took no notice of the accident and simply walked ____.

Correct! Wrong!

The manager was terrified that his employees would stop work and walk ____ without warning.

Correct! Wrong!

He never looks where he's going and as a result is always walking ____ things.

Correct! Wrong!

A total stranger walked ____ to me and asked if I could lend him some money.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm sorry to say that the safe has been broken into and someone's walked ____ with all the money.

Correct! Wrong!

They have an expression in Australia when a famous person mixes with the crowd, they say they're going on a walk ____.

Correct! Wrong!

They've been seeing each other for 6 months now or, as we used to say, they've been walking ____ together.

Correct! Wrong!

He came into the room, shouted at everybody and then left the room walking ____ in a really bad temper.

Correct! Wrong!

I knew we shouldn't have trusted them because they suddenly left and walked ____ on us.

Correct! Wrong!

Phrasal verb: walk


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