Неправильні дієслова (Частина 4)

Неправильні дієслова (Частина 4)

1 хвилина читання

За цей рік ми з вами вивчили просто неймовірну кількість нових слів. Неправильні дієслова це досить цікава і трішечки заплутана тема, та ми справились з вами. Тест “Неправильні дієслова (Частина 4)” це останній тест на тему цієї лексики. Але перед початком тесту, радимо таки повторити що ж це таке, правильні та неправильні дієслова. Зробити це можна за наступними посиланнями.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Неправильні дієслова (Частина 4)”:


Henry ____ around the whole course in the golf cart we rented last week.

Correct! Wrong!

Randy ____ out at the baseball game last night. He's still angry about it!

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ for 12 hours yesterday. I was exhausted!

Correct! Wrong!

Samuel is very stressed out. His head is ____ because he has to make so many serious decisions within a short time.

Correct! Wrong!

After I accidentally slammed my finger in the car door, it ....... up and turned blue.

Correct! Wrong!

The hero in the children's story ____ the horrible dragon.

Correct! Wrong!

I usually ....... up my old bills and other financial information before I put them into the garbage can. I'm going to buy a paper shredder soon.

Correct! Wrong!

Frank ____ me his garden. He spends a lot of time outdoors.

Correct! Wrong!

This year, Mrs. Switzer will ....... high school mathematics. She's really nice, and she's smart, too.

Correct! Wrong!

We went tobogganing at Christmas time. My children ____ down the hills over and over again in wonderment. I like it when they're happy.

Correct! Wrong!

On his first day of school, Ben ____ in the middle row.

Correct! Wrong!

Currently, Sam ____ in the church choir. He's really good.

Correct! Wrong!

The farmer decided to ____ five acres of barley this year.

Correct! Wrong!

The puppy looked like he was ____ when his owner scolded him for chewing the red slippers.

Correct! Wrong!

The little frog ____ from the pond at once. He scared us all at first.

Correct! Wrong!

He ....... the baseball bat as hard as he could, but he still missed the fast ball.

Correct! Wrong!

Most people ____ for success, but they must remember to do what they enjoy as well.

Correct! Wrong!

Christie ____ her milk all over the kitchen table. She's very clumsy sometimes.

Correct! Wrong!

Bailey ....... me a secret. I won't tell anyone about it because it's quite serious.

Correct! Wrong!

Yesterday, I ____ my entire house. I also did the dishes and washed the floors.

Correct! Wrong!

Mrs. Montgomery told Shawn to ____ in the corner. She didn't approve of his behavior in class that day.

Correct! Wrong!

The soldier ____ the heavy backpack over his shoulder.

Correct! Wrong!

The large vessel ____ in the Atlantic Ocean more than 200 years ago.

Correct! Wrong!

Yesterday, Carrie ____ out her peas when she tried them for the first time. She's a very picky eater.

Correct! Wrong!

Johnny ____ that he'd never steal again.

Correct! Wrong!

Thomas regularly ____ at targets at the nearby firing range.

Correct! Wrong!

I know it's hard, but you have to ____ with it. You'll graduate soon.

Correct! Wrong!

Jason ____ into the room with ease. He feels very comfortable in front of large groups.

Correct! Wrong!

I got ____ by a bee last summer. It hurt a lot.

Correct! Wrong!

We ____ too much money when we went to Hawaii last year. This year, we're going to the Napa Valley.

Correct! Wrong!