Make чи do

Make чи do?

1 хвилина читання

Перед тим як приступити до тесту у виборі make чи do, пропонуєм повторити різницю між ними. Дієслово do умовно можна перекласти як «виконувати», робити за зразком, здійснювати звичну дію, в той час як, make – «створювати», виробляти щось, робити своїми руками. Це узагальнене правило до вживання. Більше інформації можна знайти в однойменній статті: Make or Do?


The university research team stumbled upon something; it ____ a really big discovery.

Correct! Wrong!

No matter how hard she pushed him, she couldn't ____ her son do the job properly.

Correct! Wrong!

His teacher begged him to ____ more of an effort in class.

Correct! Wrong!

They ____ up quickly after their silly argument.

Correct! Wrong!

The teacher suggested they ____ another exercise to understand the problem better.

Correct! Wrong!

His mother forced him to ____ his homework every night after supper.

Correct! Wrong!

She suddenly realized that she only had a few days left on her vacation, so she decided to ____ the most of it.

Correct! Wrong!

His mother was late because she ____ the beds before she left the house.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm not quite ready yet — I have to ____ my hair.

Correct! Wrong!

We only have one more pot of stew — will it ____?

Correct! Wrong!

The teacher had to ____ up a new syllabus because her old one was outdated.

Correct! Wrong!

He was very proud of his car yesterday, because during the race it ____ 260 km/hr.

Correct! Wrong!

The manager was surprised at how many things Ron could ____ at once.

Correct! Wrong!

He was confused and couldn't ____ up his mind about what to do next.

Correct! Wrong!

She ____ him a solemn promise that she would never steal again.

Correct! Wrong!

She finally begged him to ____ a move in their very long and tiresome chess game.

Correct! Wrong!

The business ____ a lot of money this year.

Correct! Wrong!

We had so much fun in Chicago — we ____ it in three days.

Correct! Wrong!

No one knows why he ____ those terrible things in the past.

Correct! Wrong!

Even though the situation was not ideal, they decided to ____ a go of things.

Correct! Wrong!

Make чи Do

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