Безособові форми дієслова

Безособові форми дієслова

1 хвилина читання

Отже, герундій і дієприкметник (Gerund and Participle) – це безособові форми дієслова, написання яких часто збігається, що викликає труднощі при їх вживанні. Про кожне з цих явищ ви можете прочитати окремо в статтях нашого блогу:


The boy entered the room smiling.

Correct! Wrong!

The driver was seriously injured during the accident and is now fighting for his life.

Correct! Wrong!

Jumping over the fence, the burglars managed to escape from the prison.

Correct! Wrong!

They wasted their money on buying useless things.

Correct! Wrong!

Swimming is popular form of keeping one’s body fit.

Correct! Wrong!

Aren’t you afraid of telling the truth?

Correct! Wrong!

Michael was angry at Jill for trying to fool him.

Correct! Wrong!

Speaking is a whole lot easier than doing.

Correct! Wrong!

They saw a boy in the park standing on his head.

Correct! Wrong!

Hearing a loud noise, we were shocked to move.

Correct! Wrong!

Smoking in public places is forbidden.

Correct! Wrong!

Nobody was surprised at John being absent.

Correct! Wrong!

Screaming the names of participants, the audience cheered the runners.

Correct! Wrong!

She ruined her sight by playing computer games.

Correct! Wrong!

Singing to herself in a shower is something that makes her life wonderful.

Correct! Wrong!

Безособові форми дієслова (Герундій чи дієприкметник)

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