Ідіоми (Частина 7)

Ідіоми (Частина 7)

1 хвилина читання

Ідіом в англійській мові просто безліч і тест оснований на них займе безліч часу, тому ми розділили його на цілу купу маленьких тестів. Сьогодні у нас ідіоми (Частина 7), ми вирішили їх не виділяти в тесті для тих, хто кому потрібен справжній виклик. А ті, хто хоче впевнитись чи дійсно ту частину тексту вони вибрали – можуть заглянути в підказку. Успіхів!

Well, he's not that at all. He's a bird brain.

a bird brain
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Correct! Wrong!

I really don't know how to explain it as I am completely foxed.

completely foxed
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Correct! Wrong!

Yes, exactly because the car is rubbish and I went round to his garage like a bull in a china shop in the show room.

like a bull in a china shop
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Correct! Wrong!

You want to know why I've got a bee in my bonnet?

a bee in my bonnet
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Correct! Wrong!

And when I reached his office I saw he was not really awake because he'd been having a cat nap.

a cat nap
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Correct! Wrong!

I would advise you to wait and see which way the cat jumps.

which way the cat jumps
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Until he is more serious in his job and stops playing the goat, he won't get any more money.

playing the goat
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Correct! Wrong!

He never makes any silly mistakes because he's got too much horse sense.

horse sense
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Correct! Wrong!

A word of warning: don't let him make a monkey of you.

make a monkey of you
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Correct! Wrong!

I don't honestly think he is capable of being polite as the leopard never changes his spots.

the leopard never changes his spots
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Correct! Wrong!

Yes, tell me about it. I'm all ears.

all ears
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Charlie doesn't like getting too tired so he gets his assistant to do all the donkey work.

donkey work
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Correct! Wrong!

The one you bought from the man you called the big cheese?

the big cheese
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Yes, that's right. I got my money back and as a result I opened up a whole new can of worms because other people got their money back, too.

opened up a whole new can of worms
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Correct! Wrong!

He's very greedy when it comes to eating and always takes the lion's share of the food.

lion's share of the food
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He doesn't really go around with many people because he's a bit of a lone wolf.

lone wolf
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And really the only reason you were there was because you had a bone to pick with him?

you had a bone to pick with him
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Correct! Wrong!

His wife never lets him do what he wants and as a result he leads a dog's life.

leads a dog's life
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Correct! Wrong!

You mean he's a bad egg?

a bad egg
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Correct! Wrong!

You remember I told you about that car that cost me an arm and a leg?

an arm and a leg
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Correct! Wrong!

Ідіоми (Чатсина 7)

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