Герундій проти інфінітива (Частина 2)

Герундій проти Інфінітива (Частина 2)

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Перевіряй граматику, вивчай слова, проходь тести!

Герундій проти інфінітива (Частина 2) є продовженням однойменного тесту на цю тему, який ми з вами проходили не так вже й давно. В першій частині ви зможете коротко пригадати особливості цієї теми, або ж прочитати повний матеріал за наступними посиланнями.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Герундій проти Інфінітива (Частина 2)”:



I can't stand ____ around her any longer. She is so annoying.

Correct! Wrong!

He ____ a lot of homework to do tonight.

Correct! Wrong!

I never expected ____ such a large animal in my life.

Correct! Wrong!

____ in the river used to be a common pastime, but now it's too polluted.

Correct! Wrong!

I intended ____ him in my speech, but I had to cut it short. So, I didn't have the opportunity to do so.

Correct! Wrong!

You have ____ or we're going to miss the bus!

Correct! Wrong!

I have ____ my house. It's so outdated.

Correct! Wrong!

I got ____ him at the party

Correct! Wrong!

My husband loves ____. He often reads a novel per week.

Correct! Wrong!

They prohibit ____ on school grounds. No alcohol, of any kind, is allowed on school property.

Correct! Wrong!

I enjoyed ____ time with my daughters again. I haven't seen them for months.

Correct! Wrong!

She is really nasty and ____ to insult people on a regular basis.

Correct! Wrong!

I like ____ to charities. It makes me feel good about myself.

Correct! Wrong!

Sam doesn't ____ fishing at all.

Correct! Wrong!

I have ____ the truth in order to move on with my life.

Correct! Wrong!

She shouldn't have ____ him names. She is really mean at times.

Correct! Wrong!

You ought ____ ashamed of yourself. You should never hurt an animal!

Correct! Wrong!

She ____ a lot of time in the bathroom every morning.

Correct! Wrong!

I have ____ a report by Friday.

Correct! Wrong!

I hope ____ around the world one day.

Correct! Wrong!

Герундій проти інфінітива (4-5)


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