В житті: продуктовий магазин

В житті: продуктовий магазин

1 хвилина читання

В останніх статтях про різні іспити ми згадували те, що для успішного складання потрібно вміти вживати лексику, яка може пригодитися в повсякденому житті. Сьогоднішній тест перевірить вашу вправність у використанні лексики в житті: тема – продуктовий магазин.

If a shopper doesn't want to pay with cash, he/she can use a credit or ____ card to pay for the groceries.

Correct! Wrong!

In a busy grocery store, certain lanes are often designated for customers who only want to buy a small number of items. For example, there might be a 10 item or less ____ lane.

Correct! Wrong!

The term "non-____" refers to food products that do not have to be refrigerated because these foods are not easily susceptible to decay or rot such as rice, cereals and canned vegetables.

Correct! Wrong!

People often pay for their groceries with a credit or debit card. To do so, they must first ____ their cards through an electronic scanning machine.

Correct! Wrong!

People commonly buy ____ at supermarkets.

Correct! Wrong!

Before shoppers enter a grocery store, they can park their cars in the parking ____ outside.

Correct! Wrong!

Immediately after a shopper pays for his/her groceries, the cashier will give each customer a ____ that shows an itemized list of purchased products and indicates all of the items were paid for by the customer.

Correct! Wrong!

The electronic device ____ the credit/debit card information and then proceeds to authorize a payment in order to complete the transaction.

Correct! Wrong!

A ____ scans all of the groceries and then tells the shoppers how much they have to pay for the groceries they want to buy.

Correct! Wrong!

Fresh fruits and vegetables are commonly found in the ____ section of a grocery store or supermarket.

Correct! Wrong!

Milk, eggs and cheese are commonly found in the ____ section of a grocery store or supermarket.

Correct! Wrong!

Nowadays, as people are becoming increasingly aware about the food they eat, nearly all products in North America have nutrition ____ on them that indicate how much fat, calories and sodium levels are in the products.

Correct! Wrong!

After shopping for groceries, people usually line up in ____ out lanes to pay for the products.

Correct! Wrong!

Money saving ____ are often used by customers in order to get discounts at grocery stores.

Correct! Wrong!

Various grocery products are separated into different categories so that shoppers can easily find the products they need. For example, flour, sugar and other baking products are located in the same grocery ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Cold cuts and sandwich meats are commonly found in the ____ section of grocery stores or supermarkets.

Correct! Wrong!

While in the grocery store, it is difficult to carry many products so shoppers often use shopping ____ so that they can push them around as well as load them up with groceries.

Correct! Wrong!

In the produce section of a grocery store, people can use ____ to weigh the food they want to buy because a lot of produce items are priced per pound or per kilogram.

Correct! Wrong!

Once a shopper pays for his/her groceries, the groceries are put into either plastic or paper ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Before shoppers go to a store, they can make shopping ____ to remind them of what food is needed at home.

Correct! Wrong!

Тест на тему "Продукти"

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