Таблиці: утворення і особливості вживання пасивного стану (The Passive Voice)

1 хвилина читання

Пропонуємо ознайомитися із таблицею, в якій коротко описано утворення і особливості вживання пасивного стану (The Passive Voice) в англійській мові. Також перегляньте інший матеріал про пасивний стан на цю тему на нашому сайті.

і особливості вживання пасивного стану
The Passive Voice

to be (у потрібній формі) + Past Participle
Tense Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple Present He writes a new play every time the
theatre asks for it.
A new play is written by him every time the
theatre asks for it.
Past He wrote a new play last month. A new play was written by him last month.
Future He will write a new play some day. A new play will be written by him some day.
Continuous Present He is writing a new play now. A new play is being written by him now.
Past He was writing a new play when we came
to see him.
A new play was being written by

him when we came
to see him.

Future He will be writing a new play on
He вживається
Perfect Present He has just written a new play. A new play has just been written by him.
Past He had written a new play by then. A new play had been written by him by then.
Future He will have written a new play by the
end of the year.
A new play will have been written by him by the end
of the year.
Perfect Continuous Present He has been writing a new

play since last

He вживається
Past He had been writing a new play for a
month when he fell ill.
He вживається
Future He will have been writing a new play for 15 years by 2005. He вживається
Особливості вживання
Підмет пасивного
стану може
ставати як прямим, так і непрямим
Serg gave me a pen. —

A pen was given to me by Serg. (прямий додаток).

I was given a pen by Serg. (непрямий додаток)

В пасивному стані
не вживаються дієслова становища appear, belong, consist, cost, depend, exist,
detest, have, lack,
fit, owe, matter, doubt і т.п.
The work of the whole group depends
on him.

Strange ideas exist in her

He was lacking in common

В пасивному стані
не вживаються дієслова з пасивним значенням sell, wash, wear, read,
bake, clean, reprint
і т.п.
This wine is selling

These clothes wash well.

Her novel is reprinting already.

Дієслова, які
потребують прийменникової конструкції, в пасивному стані прийменник
They laughed at him. — He
was laughed at.

I can depend on her. — She
can be de­pended on.

We’ll look into this matter
soon. — This matter will be looked into