Таблиці: майбутній доконано-тривалий час (The Future Perfect Continuous)

1 хвилина читання

Майбутній доконано-тривалий час (The Future Perfect Continuous) в англійській мові. Коротка інформація та випадки вживання.

форми дієслова в дійсному стані:

доконаний тривалий час

The Future Perfect Continuous

will/shall have been + Present

Стверджувальна форма


Питальна форма


Заперечна форма


will(I’ll)/shall have been doing

you will
have been doing

he will
have been doing

she will
have been doing

iz will
have been doing

we will
shall have been doing they will have been doing

Shall I
have been doing?

Will you
have been doing?

Will he
have been doing?

Will she
have been doing?

Will it
have been doing?

Shall we
have been doing?

Will they
have been doing?

I shall

not/won’t have been doing

you will
not have been doing

he will
not have been doing

she will
not have been doing

it will
not have been doing

we will
not/shall not have been doing

they will
not have been doing

Випадки вживання

Дія, яка розпочалася в минулому чи
розпочнеться до якогось моменту в майбутньому і все ще буде знаходитися в
процесі розвитку до самого моменту

By the end
of the year she will have been
music for thirty years.

We will have been playing tennis for
half an hour by then.