Таблиці: функції інфінітиву у реченні

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Функції інфінітиву у реченні




Після формального підмету it

To save money is not easy.

To grow vegetables here seems

It is
dangerous to go there alone.

It would
be a mistake to build a house

Частина складного підмету (Complex Subject)

  • Після дієслів say, believe, know, expect, think, state,
  • Після прикметників (un)likely, certain, sure

She is
known to have the best garden in

He is said
to have lived in Ukraine.

He proved to be a good friend.

The bridge
appears to have been built centuries ago.

He is
likely to know her phone number.

She is
certain to sell her house.

Частина складеного іменного

His aim is
to keep these things secret.

This man
is easy to talk to.

mistake was to write this letter.

Частина складеного
дієслівного  присудка

  • З модальними дієсловами
  • З дієсловами, що характеризують перебіг дії begin, start, continue,
    cease, would, used to

You ought to go to bed earlier.

Should I phone her?

just started to unpack her things.

My mother
used to work in this building.

He would
take me to the Zoo every Saturday.


  • Після дієслів: want, wish, decide, aim, fail, hurry, manage,
    offer, prepare, refuse, try struggle, hesitate, afford, attempt,
    deserve, hate, love, like, prefer, plan, ask, choose, hope, promise,
    remember, swear, forget
  • Після прикметників і дієприкметників: glad, pleased, happy,
    sorry, able, afraid, ready, useless, fortunate, ashamed

We asked
to speak to the manager.

I can’t
afford to buy a new car.

remember to pay the bill.

hesitate to ask any questions.

Can you
promise to be on time?


pleased to meet you.

Sorry to have missed you in the airport.

He was
ready to help us.

Частина складного додатку (ComplexObject)

  • Після дієслів want, wish, like, would,
    like, need, prefer, consider, believe, know, think, prove, suppose,

  • Після дієслів чуттєвого сприйняття seewatch, feel,
    notice (без to)

I want you
to speak to the teacher.

I suppose
him to be about 60.

He expects
me to arrive tomorrow.


I saw your
son drop litter in the street.

They heard
him cough.

I noticed
her light a cigarette.


He made an
attempt to stand up.

Their plan
to build a new school was not
taken seriously.

Have you
anything to say?

He’s the
first to come and the last to leave.

I had the
courage to admit my mistakes.


  • цілі
  • результат після слів enough, too
  • наслідки

He went to
Berlin to brush up his German.

She closed
the door so as not to wake her

The tea
was too hot to drink.

She is not
old enough to travel alone.

He was too
experienced a businessman to accept
the first offer.

We came up
to him to see a changed man.

disappeared never to be seen again.

Вставні фрази

to tell the truth, to be perfectly frank, to be
honest, to cut a long story short, to begin with, to put to another way, to
say the least

To be honest, I don’t
like his friends.

To cut a long story short,
we came back.

I’ve never
met her, to tell you the truth.

 He was rude to say the least of it.