Subjunctive mood

Subjunctive mood

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Subjunctive Mood або Умовний спосіб – це граматична категорія, яка відноситься до дієслова. За допомогою умовного способу ми висловлюємо наше ставлення до цього «Ах, якби …», «Як хотілося б …», «Шкода …» та інші. Зверніть увагу на статті нашого блогу «Спосіб» і «Умовний спосіб в англійській мові», сподіваємося, вони допоможуть вам успішно скласти цей тест.


She spoke English so well as though she ____ to England several times.

Correct! Wrong!

It ____ a great pleasure to help her!

Correct! Wrong!

Vicky suggested they ____ to the cinema if they come to NY.

Correct! Wrong!

If I were you, I ____ to bed earlier before the exam yesterday.

Correct! Wrong!

What a pity you ____ ill!

Correct! Wrong!

____ you care for a full explanation, you know where you can find me.

Correct! Wrong!

This phone doesn’t work at all! I wish I ____ it!

Correct! Wrong!

But for you, I ____ my work.

Correct! Wrong!

I think my mother would be disappointed if I ____ my lessons.

Correct! Wrong!

It’s necessary that the students ____ in all kinds of competitions.

Correct! Wrong!

The weather is perfect. I wish you ____ here with me!

Correct! Wrong!

The teacher advised that the girl ____ to a music school.

Correct! Wrong!

If I hadn’t moved to the US, I ____ live in my mother’s flat.

Correct! Wrong!

If I were you, I ____ this work at once.

Correct! Wrong!

The weather is awful, it rained all the week! If only it ____ every day!

Correct! Wrong!

It is of a vital importance that he ____ the entire truth however you don’t like it.

Correct! Wrong!

Had I seen him yesterday, I ____ him about it.

Correct! Wrong!

My teacher would have been mad at me if I ____ the essay.

Correct! Wrong!

You’d better ____ her alone.

Correct! Wrong!

But for his rudeness, he ____ to this position.

Correct! Wrong!

The situation is awful! I wish I ____ how to deal with that!

Correct! Wrong!

I feel so desperate. I wish there ____ a way out!

Correct! Wrong!

I feared that I ____ disturb them.

Correct! Wrong!

Paul doesn’t have a lot of friends. But if you ____ him better, you would understand how amicable he really is.

Correct! Wrong!

If only I ____ it then!

Correct! Wrong!

Jenny looked at him as if she ____ him for the first.

Correct! Wrong!

I am exhausted! We have been walking for hours. If only we ____ a car!

Correct! Wrong!

It’s desirable that she ____ at the dance studio at 4.

Correct! Wrong!

It’s high time he ____ his homework.

Correct! Wrong!

I know you want to go to foreign country, but soon you will wish you ____ back in your native city.

Correct! Wrong!

Умовний спосіб

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