Сполучник в англійській мові

Сполучник в англійській мові

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Сполучник в англійській мові – це службова частина мови, яка пов’язує частини складного речення або однорідні члени речення. Самі по собі вони не викликають труднощів, головне – вивчити їхній переклад, але їх вживання і місце в реченні можуть викликати труднощі. Пропонуємо вам ще раз перечитати матеріали по цій темі на нашому сайті.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Сполучник в англійській мові”


My mum was really exhausted. She looked ____ she was about to pass out.

Correct! Wrong!

The party will start at 11.30 ____ the presentation finishes.

Correct! Wrong!

He can’t help you ____ you tell him what really happened.

Correct! Wrong!

I was so angry with her that I ____ wrote her ____ phoned.

Correct! Wrong!

I couldn’t help ____ wonder where she got that information.

Correct! Wrong!

Employees will have to decide ____ to accept the offer or not.

Correct! Wrong!

The more she acted like that ____ more I wanted to punch her.

Correct! Wrong!

I won’t help you ____ you will be able to deal with this problem by yourself.

Correct! Wrong!

My friend says she would like to become ____ a famous singer or a doctor.

Correct! Wrong!

____ Kate and Jim were late.

Correct! Wrong!

She came home earlier ____ she would have more time to finish the project.

Correct! Wrong!

The water of the lake was deep, ____ clear.

Correct! Wrong!

____ I were you, I’d listen to your mum, she is right.

Correct! Wrong!

She missed the train ____ her door lock broke down.

Correct! Wrong!

I need to go to the baker’s ____ the bank.

Correct! Wrong!

Even ____ you think you are right, you should not have been rude to her.

Correct! Wrong!

____ you look at it, it’s a nagging problem of the 21st century.

Correct! Wrong!

____ you go right now, ____ you will stay at home!

Correct! Wrong!

I can't help you ____ you tell me what's wrong.

Correct! Wrong!

I learned how to swim ____ I was a little girl.

Correct! Wrong!

Сполучник в англійській мові


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