Швидка граматика

Швидка граматика

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Цікавитесь, якою може бути “швидка граматика” англійьсокї мови та шукаєте комплекс завдань з граматики? Ось саме те, що ви шукали: тест на 10 легеньких питань, в якому завдання від вживання сталих виразів та часів до займенників та навіть трішки лексики.



I ____ at the beautiful sunset and instantly felt relaxed and calm.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ to be really good at volleyball. But, I haven't played in years so I'm probably not that good anymore.

Correct! Wrong!

Do you think he ____? I wanted to tell him myself. I hope you didn't tell him anything.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm ____ to get an umbrella.

Correct! Wrong!

She is the one ____ started the argument. She has been quite argumentative lately.

Correct! Wrong!

If I ____ you, I would go to the concert. How often does U2 come to town?

Correct! Wrong!

I can't ____ out the last word on this note. Whoever wrote this has really bad penmanship.

Correct! Wrong!

I can't ____ anything. The fog is so thick.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ in that painting. I think I want to buy it right now.

Correct! Wrong!

I'll call you as soon as the package ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Швидка граматика

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