Помилки в англійській мові (Частина 1)

Помилки в англійській мові (Частина 1)

1 хвилина читання
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Перевіряй граматику, вивчай слова, проходь тести!

Людське життя – це довгий шлях, на якому нас чекають не тільки перемоги, але й невдачі. Людям властиво спотикатися, робити дурниці і помилятися. Той, хто вчиться на цих помилках, набуває безцінний життєвий досвід. В сьогоднішньому тесті “Помилки в англійській мові (Частина 1)” ми пропонуємо вам знайти неправильні елементи в реченні. Якщо ж ви оберете неправильний варіант – зможете відразу ознайомитись з помилкою, а під тестом те, чим її можна замінити.

When it is possible, I will help you later today.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: if

He will not let me to borrow his computer.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: borrow

Sometimes you get too much of news every day on television.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: much news

I went to the library to get as many information as I could.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: as much

I look forward to see you on Tuesday after work.

Correct! Wrong!

to seeing

When you wish to buy a book, you should to go to a bookshop.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: should

I prefer go to the cinema instead of watching television.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: prefer to

She wants live in Paris because she likes the French language very much.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: wants to

I am really not interesting in mobile phones as I prefer ordinary phones.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: interested in

I can speaking English quite well now.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: speak

He needs to be more carefully when he is driving his car.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: careful

I don't think I have ever red one of his books.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: read

It is sure that one day she will pass her examinations.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: clear (obvious)

Her teacher is always giving her lots of homeworks.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: homework

The good thing about computers is that you can find all kind of information about everything.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: all kinds of

I think it is a spend of money to buy cigarettes.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: waste

I never have been to see that film at the local cinema.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: have never been

Is this the book you were read last night?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: reading

I didn't see someone on the way to your house.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: anyone (anybody)

Tonight I'm going to stay at home with myself.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: by

Помилки в англійській мові (Частина 1)

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