Неправильні дієслова (Частина 2)

Неправильні дієслова (Частина 2)

1 хвилина читання

В тесті “Неправильні дієслова (Частина 2)” пропонуємо вам перевірити свої навички на однойменну тему та доповнити свій словниковий запас. Але перед початком тесту, радимо повторити що ж це таке, правильні та неправильні дієслова. Зробити це можна за наступними посиланнями.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Неправильні дієслова (Частина 2)”:


Bailey ____ the Frisbee into the air. Rob caught it and threw it back to her.

Correct! Wrong!

Timothy ____ a picture for his mother at school today.

Correct! Wrong!

I don't ____ well. I think I got food poisoning at that restaurant we went to this afternoon.

Correct! Wrong!

Don't forget to ____ the dog. He's hungry!

Correct! Wrong!

The two ropes were ____ together, so it was difficult to get them apart.

Correct! Wrong!

My father ____ our home in 1990, and he designed it as well.

Correct! Wrong!

Sandra doesn't feel well, so I told her to ____ down for a little while.

Correct! Wrong!

I like to buy whole-bean coffee so I can ____ the beans when I get home. It seems to taste better that way.

Correct! Wrong!

Taylor loves to play ____-and-seek with her friends from school.

Correct! Wrong!

The little boy, who was scared of Santa Claus, ____ to his mother's arm when he saw the man in the red suit for the first time.

Correct! Wrong!

Last week, I ____ that you lived in Europe and I came to visit you.

Correct! Wrong!

My mom ____ five bass on our family fishing trip last year.

Correct! Wrong!

Every night, Sarah ____ down beside her bed to pray.

Correct! Wrong!

At the little league baseball game on Sunday, John ____ a home run and everyone cheered.

Correct! Wrong!

Carrie has to ____ with a lot of issues at work because her boss is often ruthless.

Correct! Wrong!

David was beginning to get a little worried about his dwindling finances, but he just ____ a new job yesterday. His first day is Monday.

Correct! Wrong!

The refugees ____ the war-torn country last week. Now, there are a lot of hungry people south of the border.

Correct! Wrong!

I know I have to get my oil changed, but I ____ to do it today.

Correct! Wrong!

Thomas's workplace ____ down last week. Now, he's out of a job because the owner didn't have insurance.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ a beautiful framed photograph on my living room wall this past weekend. I just love it!

Correct! Wrong!

You have to ____ a lot of water in this part of the country on hot days in the summer months or you could dehydrate.

Correct! Wrong!

David's mother nervously watched as her young son ____ into the swimming pool for the first time.

Correct! Wrong!

I forgot her birthday, but she readily ____ me because I told her about my busy schedule.

Correct! Wrong!

Shirley ____ German Shepherd dogs. I always go visit her when she has a new litter of puppies.

Correct! Wrong!

The little puppy ____ down when he tried to climb the stairs for the first time.

Correct! Wrong!

All of my tropical plants ____ because of the snowstorm last night.

Correct! Wrong!

My puppy ____ a huge hole in the backyard last night. Today, we have to fill the hole because it doesn't look good.

Correct! Wrong!

Tory slowly ____ around the corner because she wanted to scare her younger brother.

Correct! Wrong!

Every year, Canada Geese ____ south for the winter, so they must have a lot of endurance.

Correct! Wrong!

Robert and Kevin ____ at school today. I don't know why. They usually get along so well.

Correct! Wrong!

Неправильні дієслова (5-7)


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