Вдосконалюй англійську мову, читаючи цікаві твори!
Відкрийте для себе захоплюючий світ англійської літератури з нашою колекцією творів на будь-який смак. Пориньте у вир пригод, досліджуйте глибини людських почуттів, розширюйте словниковий запас та покращуйте знання граматики.
Australia is the world's smallest continent, situated in the southern hemisphere. At the same time, it is the world's sixth largest country, covering 7.6 million square kilometers. A country with a bizarre natural landscape, lovely scenery, and a developed economy.…
Football is my favorite sport. I can watch it whenever I want, what I usually do because we have multiple football channels in our apartment. My mother is also a football lover, and she watches games with me if her domestic responsibilities allow it.…
Audiobooks are no longer surprising in this age of rapid advancement of computer technology. People listen to them on their way to work. Many adults play audio fairy tales to their children before they go to bed.…