Таблиця із прикладами вживання артиклів з іменниками в словосполученнях з прийменниками.
Артиклі з іменниками в
словосполученнях з прийменниками
Прийменники |
A |
Без артикля |
The |
from |
не вживається |
from day to day from memory from scratch |
from the cradle from the stable from the word go |
in |
in a mess in a minute in a whisper |
in debt in comfort in tears |
in the egg in the end in the clouds |
on |
on a bet on a diet on a leash |
on time on strike on reflection |
on the hour on the radio on the way |
with |
with a nod with a heavy heart with a bounce |
with smiles with good grace with kid gloves |
with the word with the colors with the exception of |
like |
like a dream like a brother like a king |
like beans like show business like clock-work |
like the wind |
as |
as brave as a lion as fit as a fiddle as mad as a hatter |
as good as gold as hard as nails as safe as houses |
as the crow files as good as the first time |
by |
by a majority by a hair by a close shave |
by post by degrees by credit card |
by the way by the head and ears by the dozen |
at |
at a profit at a glance at a moment’s notice |
at sea at first hand at pains |
at the cross-roads at the moment at the weekend |
for |
for a walk for a change for a rainy day |
for sale for fun for starters |
for the record for the rest for the time being |