Злічувані і незлічувані іменники

Тест: Злічувані і незлічувані іменники

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Перевіряй граматику, вивчай слова, проходь тести!

Перед тим як приступити до виконання тесту, пропонуємо повторити якими ж є злічувані і незлічувані іменники.

Злічувані іменники – це слова, що позначають назви конкретних предметів і абстрактних понять, які можна порахувати. А раз їх можна рахувати, вони вживаються як в однині, так і в множині. Ось приклади яких злічуваних іменників: tablepicturehourholidayofferboydecision.

Незлічувані іменники це назви речовин, абстрактних понять, які не можна порахувати. А значить, використовуються вони тільки в однині.

Наприклад: knowledgesilvermusicmilkwaterhappinessfurnitureadvice і т. Д.

Додаткові посилання до тесту “Злічувані і незлічувані іменники”:


I just bought my husband a new, leather ____ for his birthday. This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

The police officers used tear ____ on the violent protestors. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I have a flat ____ I have to buy a new one. This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

My grandfather is full of ____ He is very knowledgeable and I like him a lot. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I think we need to use some wood ____ on that chair. This is a sticky adhesive that is used to hold things together. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I have to buy some allergy ____ because there is a lot of pollen in the air at this time of year. This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I saw a lot of ____ during the thunderstorm last night. All of the bolts seemed nearby and that was kind of scary. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I want to climb that large ____ Do you think I can do it? This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

You have to ask your mother for ____ before you can come camping with our family. You can come if she says it's OK with her. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I need one more ____ I will be taking two of these on my trip to Mexico. This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

____ is a valuable resource and is a fossil fuel. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I have to buy some ____ I want to change the colour of my bedroom walls. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

There is a lot of ____ coming out of that building. I think there's a fire! This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I am watching my favorite program on my ____ This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I want to go on that ____ I love coming to the fair because of all the rides! This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

Some people say that ____ is the best medicine. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

We live in a rainforest region, so there is a lot of ____ on the ground every morning. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I usually make ____ when I roast a turkey. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I like to use maple ____ on my pancakes. It's delicious. This is a non-count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

I want to polish my toe ____ tonight. I think I'm going to use a bright, red colour on my feet. This is a count noun.

Correct! Wrong!

Злічувані та незлічувані іменники


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