Перевірка знань на вживання finish vs end

1 хвилина читання

Якщо ви ще не знайомилися із матеріалом про вибір слова finish / end / complete в англійській мові, то обов’язково перечитайте його. А якщо відчуваєте, що вже знаєте де вживати слово finish, а де end, то мерщій перевіряйте свої знання відповівши на 10 запитань даного тесту!

You could tell the time by him because he always _______ work at exactly the same time every day.

Correct! Wrong!

After the children had _______ doing their homework, the whole family watched television.

Correct! Wrong!

Sadly their marriage of 35 years _______ in divorce.

Correct! Wrong!

They wanted their daughter to improve her social skills and sent her to the famous _______ school in Ukraine.

Correct! Wrong!

The brothers will _______ school both together at the end of this year.

Correct! Wrong!

You can't miss it, it's that tall building right at the _______ of the road.

Correct! Wrong!

He thought they would all share the cost of the meal but unfortunately he _______ up paying for everybody.

Correct! Wrong!

I've written practically the whole book except for the last part and I just don't know how to _______ the story.

Correct! Wrong!

To most people it seemed like a long and successful relationship and so it was a great surprise to learn that they had ________ with each other.

Correct! Wrong!

It didn't take long for the children to ________ off the cakes and pastries that had not been eaten at the party.

Correct! Wrong!


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