Кожна людина в своєму житті робить помилки. Без помилок неможливо жити, адже той, хто самостійно нічого не робить і не приймає самостійно рішення, ніколи не помиляється. В тесті “Помилки в англійській мові (Частина 2)” ми пропонуємо вам знайти неправильні елементи в реченні. Якщо ж ви оберете неправильний варіант – зможете відразу ознайомитись з помилкою, а під тестом те, чим її можна замінити.
If you don't mind I'd like to have a few salt on my food before it gets any colder.
Correct answer: a little
My language has the same grammar with yours.
Correct answer: as
At last we decided it was stupid to wait any longer for a bus.
Correct answer: In the end
Later tonight I visit my uncle, who is ill in hospital.
Correct answer: am visiting
What is the name of that picture which you look at on the wall?
Correct answer: are looking at
Why is he being late every time we arrange to meet?
Correct answer: is he
It is very gentle of you to help me in this matter.
Correct answer: kind
He never takes a day off work and when he is at work he always works very hardly
Correct answer: hard
Are you believing every single thing which that man says?
Correct answer: Do you belive
They have been writing to each others since they were children.
Correct answer: each other
He finds it very difficult to communicate with people who doesn`t have the same language as his.
Correct answer: don`t
Next time you are coming to my house, you must bring that book.
Correct answer: come
I'm not often travelling by air because the cost of flying is very high.
Correct answer: I don`t often travel
I try to remember your name but I'm afraid I can't remember it.
Correct answer: I`m trying
Sometimes I not understand what the teacher says to me.
Correct answer: don`t understand
When she was asked for her opinion on the course, she said it had been a waist of time.
Correct answer: waste
Time spends very slowly when you are waiting for a bus to arrive.
Correct answer: passess
Do you go to see that film that is on at the cinema next week?
Correct answer: Are you going
I am seeing her every day and she never says hello to me.
Correct answer: see
You can usually tell when she has been laying because her cheeks go bright red.
Correct answer: lying