Граматика англійської (Частина 1)

Граматика англійської (Частина 1)

1 хвилина читання

Більшість людей чомусь вважають, що вміння правильно говорити і писати повинно бути притаманне тільки професійним письменникам і поетам. Однак, мені здається, це є не зовсім правильно, а точніше – неправильно взагалі. Тест “Граматика англійської (Частина 1)” допоможе нам побачити всі прогалини в граматиці. Тест буде основано на вживанні слів speaking, drive, listen, hear та ін.

I have never ____ her before.

Correct! Wrong!

Now will you please ____ me and pay attention to what I'm saying because it's very important.

Correct! Wrong!

The police officer told the children always to tell the ____.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ what you are saying but that still doesn't make me want to change my mind one little bit.

Correct! Wrong!

I always get ____ early in the summer.

Correct! Wrong!

She hasn't come home ____.

Correct! Wrong!

I'm terribly sorry but I ____ what you said just now and I wonder if you could repeat it.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ attentively to the lecture on philosophy but I still didn't understand much of it.

Correct! Wrong!

Please be ____ when you cross this road.

Correct! Wrong!

He sometimes pretends he can't ____ a single word you are saying but all the time he's taking it all in.

Correct! Wrong!

When your train arrives, I'll ____ you from the station.

Correct! Wrong!

Can you ____ me all right over there because you are rather a long way away?

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ TV yesterday evening.

Correct! Wrong!

We live ____ the city centre.

Correct! Wrong!

I ____ to the concert every Monday on the radio and I imagine I am there listening to it in person.

Correct! Wrong!

You must not drink and then ____ a car.

Correct! Wrong!

If you want to ____ that book remember to bring it back.

Correct! Wrong!

I have been ____ strange stories about you recently but I do hope that there is no substance in them.

Correct! Wrong!

When you first meet someone, you usually shake them ____ the hand.

Correct! Wrong!

You've been making so much noise with your music that people at the far end of the road can ____ you.

Correct! Wrong!

This television gives you the ____ news.

Correct! Wrong!

He is looking ____ a present to buy his girlfriend.

Correct! Wrong!

I should explain that he finds it very difficult to follow your conversation because he is very hard of ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Can you hear what he is ____?

Correct! Wrong!

I want you to tell me the ____ truth.

Correct! Wrong!

The teacher asked her students to do their ____.

Correct! Wrong!

I only ____ one mistake in last night's test.

Correct! Wrong!

Do what you like, I really don't ____.

Correct! Wrong!

That's what I would like ____ Christmas.

Correct! Wrong!

She looks ____ a famous film star.

Correct! Wrong!

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