Діалог: напрямок

Діалог: напрямок

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Комунікація це – обмін інформацією, контакт, спілкування і т. Д. І тому вона є невід’ємною частиною життя сучасного світу і сучасного суспільства загалом. Пропонуємо пройти невеличкий тест “Діалог: напрямок”, вживаючи відповідні вирази, які допоможуть вам спитати напрямок до відповідної точки.

Додатковий матеріал до тесту “Діалог: напрямок”:



Sophie: My parents are coming into town. Do you know any good Italian restaurants? I am familiar with the one on the ____ side of town but we've already been there and I'd like to try a new one.

Correct! Wrong!

Friend: There is one on the west side of town. It is right next to that new super ____ that was built last year; the one that has exotic, tropical produce. Do you know the one I am talking about.

Correct! Wrong!

Sophie: Yes, I know that new supermarket. What ____ should I take to get there the fastest from my house? Should I take the Interstate 80?

Correct! Wrong!

Friend: Yes. You could take the I-80. If you do, you should get off the freeway at the Browning ____; not the Blueberry.

Correct! Wrong!

Sophie: Once I do that, do I take a right or a ____ at the bottom of the off-ramp?

Correct! Wrong!

Friend: You would take a right at the bottom and then go straight through the four-way ____.

Correct! Wrong!

Sophie: Alright. After that, do I keep going straight or turn on one of the ____ streets?

Correct! Wrong!

Friend: Keep going straight until you see that huge purple ____ for the movie theatre. Once you see that, take your next left.

Correct! Wrong!

Sophie: Does the restaurant have its own ____ lot or should I use the supermarket's lot?

Correct! Wrong!

Friend: They share the same area. The restaurant is in a brown ____ with white trim. You will see several large, white flower boxes outside. I hope this helps!

Correct! Wrong!

Діалог: напрямок


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