Синоніми до move

Синоніми до move, walk, beat and strike

1 хвилина читання

Лексика вчить нас правильності побудови слів у реченні. Вона говорить про те, як важливо грамотно, а найголовніше, за змістом підбирати вирази і розуміти доречність їх застосування. Пропонуємо вам пройти тест на синоніми до move, walk, beat та strike.

Your heart ____ really fast!

Correct! Wrong!

I think I heard a drum ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

The old woman ____ in front of the shop and fell down.

Correct! Wrong!

Never ____ me in the face again!

Correct! Wrong!

My mother was very angry; she couldn't stop ____ up and down the hallway.

Correct! Wrong!

Be careful please, because you can easily ____ in the dark and lose the way.

Correct! Wrong!

I think this puppy is lost because it has ____ from its mother.

Correct! Wrong!

Homeless people often ____ about the streets.

Correct! Wrong!

You look tired. Let's ____ around for a while!

Correct! Wrong!

Don't ____ all the matches from this matchbox, please!

Correct! Wrong!

Where is your brother? Don't tell me he is ____ in the mountains again.

Correct! Wrong!

When she saw him, her heart began to ____ .

Correct! Wrong!

Can you ____ the eggs for me, please? I'm making a Christmas cake.

Correct! Wrong!

Why are you ____ around me so nervously? Is there anything you want to tell me?

Correct! Wrong!

Watch the signs if you don't want to ____ from the road and get lost.

Correct! Wrong!

I feel so sorry for the poor horse! Stop ____ it, please!

Correct! Wrong!

The small lamb was lost because it had ____ from its flock.

Correct! Wrong!

Will you ____ me home, please?

Correct! Wrong!

If you are not so tired, we can ____ home instead of taking the bus.

Correct! Wrong!

My mother was ____ down the hall lost in thought.

Correct! Wrong!

Don't forget to ____ the dog today!

Correct! Wrong!

John ____ his mother in the face for the first time in his life.

Correct! Wrong!

The night is very hot, and those who can't sleep are ____ in the streets.

Correct! Wrong!

Why are you ____? Is your leg hurt?

Correct! Wrong!

The father was furious and ____ the table.

Correct! Wrong!

The bus station is very close; you can ____ to it.

Correct! Wrong!

____ while the iron is hot!

Correct! Wrong!

Every day after work Brian and Joan ____ together back home.

Correct! Wrong!

Stop ____ up and down like that! Are you nervous?

Correct! Wrong!

Why is this man ____? Is he drunk?

Correct! Wrong!

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